Other Characters' Techniques

(NOTE: The spellings are probably WAY off...better tell me..)


Kyaksho Yogekikyou (100 Pinching Chopsticks Fury): Projectile attack where Kirin sends hundreds of tiny chi-energy needles shaped as chopsticks towards his opponent.


Yogan-ran Gidigan (Fire Illusion Attack): Toma creates an illusion with his sword that makes the opponent think he/she is on fire.

Kurumi and Natsume:

Hiryu Carimbou (Anything-Goes Final Attack - Death Spiral): A combo finishing move that goes as follows: Kurumi creates a spiral with her ribbon, and Natsume fires a bolt of chi energy through it, electrifying the spiral and making it and the chi bolt one big blast of energy.

Wind Attack: Natsume releases a small tornado which catches the opponent and throws him/her back.


Makindin Baksho (Final Attack - Binding Strings): Monlon binds an opponent by shooting out the strings of her lute. She then plucks the strings, vibrating them on the opponent's end so that they cut the skin.


Now You See Me, Now You Don't technique: Chingensai supposedly learned this trick to peep into girls' changing rooms. Like Happosai's Extradimensional Warp, it makes the user invisible.

Kaori Daikoku:

Delivery Crush: Kaori hits the outside of a delivery box such that the food inside is ruined.

Fish Cake Blizzard: Kaori throws a flurry of fish cakes at her opponent to disorient them.

Chopstick Cripple: Kaori throws a set of chopsticks at an opponent's ankle, crippling them.

Noodle Noose: Kaori uses the ramen in her delivery bowl as a noose, getting it around the opponent's neck and strangling them.

Azusa Shiratori and Mikado Sanzenin

Kiss Attack: Mikado tries to steal a kiss from the opposing female part of the pair.

Dance of Death: Mikado spins, lashing out with his hands and feet and "catching his opponent with them, "dancing" them to death.

Attack of 100 foes: A practice technique of the Golden Pair's, this is used to sharpen their speed. 100 guys come at the Golden Pair, and the Golden Pair quickly dispatches them. Their current record is nine seconds.

Couple Cleaver: A final attack of the Golden Pair, this involves Mikado picking up Azusa (who is holding on to the opponents) and spinning as fast as he can. Mikado then asks the male opponent to let go of his partner's hands if he wants to survive. If he does let go, Mikado catches the female opponent, but has Azusa slam the male one to the ground. All in all, the technique involves breaking an opposing pair up such that they do not want to fight the Golden Pair.

Shinnosuke's Grandfather

Megaton Punch: Shinnosuke's grandfather used this to discipline Shinnosuke. It is basically a really powerful punch.

Principal Kunou

Pineapple Bomb: Principal Kunou uses this to trick his opponents. It is a pineapple witha bomb inside that explodes after a short delay.

Kunou Family Wooden Sword Shredder: This technique shreds wooden swords through the use of sharp and fast-moving shears. Principal Kunou used this to shred Kunou's bokken as it swung toward him.

Super Wooden Sword Shredder: Basically the same technique as the one above, except that the attacker uses the opponesnt's weapon as a "ramp" to their hair in order to shear it.

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